
What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology (pronounced kin-e-z-ology) is a natural healing modality, which allows you to achieve your optimum potential. It can transform your health; increase your inner peace; enrich your relationships; expand your prosperity and success; and help you to grow as a person, embracing life to the fullest.

Kinesiology, often called muscle testing, gives you the wisdom and guidance to achieve your goals and enhance your life. Muscle testing bypasses your conscious mind and accesses instead the inner wisdom of your “Spiritual System,” which includes your physical body, your energetic fields (e.g. chakras, meridians and auric bodies), your subconscious mind and your Higher Self.

When you muscle test, you get a muscle response from your body, which accesses the information from your entire Spiritual System. There are different ways to muscle test. The most common is to have another person muscle test you by pushing on a specific muscle (most often on your arm) while you are asking a question or thinking about a situation. There are also methods of self-testing using your fingers. It is an excellent biofeedback tool to help identify and release energy blocks, and realign your energy system for the outcomes you want. Muscle testing provides a profound opportunity for healing and personal transformation.

Kinesiology Allows You to...

Kinesiology empowers you to receive the answers from within.

Long-Distance & Surrogate Muscle Testing

Kinesiology Muscle Testing

An invaluable tool of Kinesiology is “long-distance” or “surrogate” muscle testing, where I muscle test myself as your surrogate, to receive information from your Spiritual System. Just as energy (like radio waves) can travel over distances, so can the energy of thought. This allows muscle testing to be done for people who may be thousands of miles away.

Using muscle testing, I am able to accurately identify your energetic blockages – the root causes of your distress and what has been preventing you from realizing your goals. I can then determine the quickest and most thorough way of permanently removing the blockages from wherever they are being held (e.g. your chakras, auric bodies, or Akashic Records).

After doing your Clearing, I then re-check the areas that were cleared to be sure that the blockages have been completely removed.

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