Private One-on-One Energy Coaching Sessions
Available Wordwide by Telephone & Skype
Are You Ready to…
- Release the energetic blockages that have been keeping you stuck and causing you pain;
- Eliminate unwanted situations and negative emotions quickly, easily and painlessly;
- Raise your vibration and become energetically aligned with what you DO want;
- Accelerate the Law of Attraction, and attract what you want into your life;
. . . And open the door to limitless possibilities?
When you coach with me, I tap into my intuition and ask you key questions that uncover the root cause of your pain and struggles. Once the root cause has been identified, the energetic blockage can be permanently cleared.
I work with people from all over the world, helping them to attract the life they want with my simple 3-Step Process, which uses extremely powerful, yet gentle and painless, cutting-edge, advanced Energy Therapy techniques.
Together, we’ll uncover the underlying core cause of your pain and struggle — the precise energetic blockages. Then, working with my Spiritual Team, who works with your High Self and your Soul, we quickly and permanently release them from your energy system and replace them with empowering, positive, life-affirming beliefs.
Once released, you will be able to move forward in your life, and attract the people and experiences you desire.
Step One – Self-Awareness
We’ll meet over the phone and talk about how you would like your life to change… what hasn’t been working in your life; what you want to change that you haven’t been able to; where you feel stuck. You’ll become crystal clear about your true desires, goals and intentions.
Step Two – Energy Release & Repatterning
With extremely powerful, yet gentle and painless, cutting-edge, advanced Energy Therapy and Spiritual Healing techniques that can be done by distance, the energetic blockages that have been keeping you stuck are permanently released, and your energy is aligned with empowering, life-enhancing beliefs, so you can finally move forward and claim the life you desire.
Step Three – Integration & Celebration
You begin to notice the changes in your life as they naturally integrate, so they become a natural part of your new life. The end result is that you are now energetically aligned with your goals and desires; you feel lighter, with a greater sense of freedom; and you experience more clarity, synchronicity, and ease attracting what you want in your life. You enjoy a new way of being in the world!
Uplevel: 6 Months to Spiritual Empowerment & Mastery
What Do You Get?
- 3, 45-minute private coaching calls per month where we will find the root causes of what’s been keeping you stuck and permanently clear those energetic blocks so you can move forward, take empowered action, and create the results you want in your life.
- Unlimited access between sessions via Voxer where we can touch base daily (M-F) so you have someone in your corner to help you easily move through any resistance you may experience, and clear your energetic blocks as they come up for you.
- BONUS: To help give you a solid foundation for our coaching, you will also receive a comprehensive Ultimate 24-Strand DNA Activation™ & Spiritual Response Therapy Clearing with Spiritual Restructuring Treatment.
The investment?
$1200 per month or $6k in full
A Note about this transformational coaching experience
I only take 5 clients at a time into this container.
I believe paying for coaching alone brings transformation; although, you’ve probably already experienced that so you get it.
I believe the people I am calling in to this container are ready to make massive change and uplevel their lives.
I believe the people I am aligned with for this transformational coaching experience are ready for true and lasting change.
I believe the people who say yes to this container are fully aligned to make quantum leaps in their spiritual growth and in their lives.
I only work with people who are COMMITTED to making changes in their lives. If you are ready to make a breakthrough in your life, and feel now is the time for you to fulfill your dreams…
The Application
This application is for those who know they want to be inside of this coaching program and are eager to get started. After reviewing your application, Deena will reach out to you with next steps to get started. If she feels this isn’t a good fit for you at this time, Deena will recommend other steps for you. 🙂
Please note: At this time, Deena doesn’t do sales calls. If you have any questions or would like to chat back and forth, to see if this is the right fit for you, complete the application and send Deena a message on Facebook, and she’ll be more than happy to chat with you via Messenger.
Click on the link below to fill out your application.
Learn more about Energy Coaching here.
Click Here to Read Success Stories
From Deena’s Clients