Andriy Lashchyk
Can I just say, I didn't open the email until now, but as with many of your past Clearings and healings, the synchronicities are astonishing! For example up until recently and everything that culminated over the last month, my head was a mess and so were my surroundings. The apartment was so dirty and messy, I physically felt frail and weak, and it's as if negativity was sticking to me and I literally had no life force to go on anymore.
However, sometime in the late afternoon/evening, I got a random burst of energy to clean the whole apartment, made it spotless, lit up scented candles (which I've only ever done once before, since I moved here), even vacuumed my flatmates room, and the energy was just bliss and the apartment just felt lighter energetically on top of just looking nice. Oh and I don't wanted to jinx it *fingers crossed* but my thoughts settled (in comparison to most other days the last month) and have been more at bay as well.
And then I randomly go into my emails and see that you've responded and a Clearing was done. And pretty much everything matched and especially the 'Gray Fields' section, which is exactly how I felt energetically about myself and the home. The 'before' and 'after' (your Clearing) vibe and look of the apartment btw is literally like a pig's den and a high end cosy home, and this is before I opened my emails and even knew that you had done the Clearing!
Thank you so much and I'm very grateful for all your help and support.
Deena Douglas
Andriy Lashchyk | United Kingdom