Are you hearing your soul’s call to wake UP?
How do you know if you’re beginning to experience a spiritual awakening?
An interesting thing happened when I was researching keywords for this post. What I found were blog posts about “waking up the soul” or the “soul’s awakening.”
Ummm, no.
Our souls are not asleep. Our souls do not need to awaken. Our souls are awake. Our souls know who we are and what is Truth.
It’s our conscious minds that are asleep. That’s the deal we made when we chose to incarnate: that we would forget everything we ever knew. We would forget who we are. We would forget all of the knowledge and experiences our souls had had before incarnating. We would forget all of our past incarnations. We come here basically a blank slate – at least consciously.
And we only wake up when our souls choose to.
Has your soul been sending you signs that it’s time for your spiritual awakening?
Here are 11 signs that your soul is ready for your spiritual awakening.
1. You were drawn to this blog post.
There’s a reason you’re on this page. There’s a reason you were attracted to the title of this post. Just the fact that you were drawn here and are on this page is a BIG sign that your soul is ready for you to wake up, or you have already begun to awaken.
2. Things don’t fit anymore.
Things that used to make sense to you don’t make sense anymore. Your logic and reasoning have changed. Your priorities and values may have begun to change as well.
3. You’re seeing things differently.
You’re suddenly more aware of things you didn’t notice before. You feel like you’ve spent your life walking around in the dark, or with a blindfold on, and someone finally turned on the lights or removed your blindfold, and you’re suddenly aware of – and see things – you weren’t aware of and didn’t see before.
4. You’re starting to question things that are happening in the world.
What is reality? Who am I really? What is my purpose in this life? Is there a reason I’m on this planet now, at this time? Is there something I’m supposed to be doing?
5. You’re starting to look for – and see – signs and synchronicities in your everyday life.
Do you ever ask the Universe for a sign? Or do you look for – or see – angel numbers (e.g. 444, 1111, 234)?
The truth is that signs only have the meaning we’ve given them. For example, I’ve decided (set the intention) that when I find a feather, it’s a sign that my grandparents are with me.
If you ask the Universe for a sign, keep in mind that it’s really YOUR intention behind it. You’re the one creating your life. Becoming aware of that is a large part of waking up.
6. You’re aware that there is more than the physical world.
You have a deep knowing – not just a belief – that there is a force behind everything in the universe. You know to the depths of your being that there is a loving presence who created, and is part of, everything we see, touch, feel. You know without question that Spirit/God/Source/the Universe created everything and everyone, and is part of everything and everyone.
7. You’re beginning to feel more connected to everything and everyone.
You may begin experiencing more empathy in addition to sympathy.
8. You may have begun to develop some of the “clair” senses: clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance.
“Clair” means clear. “Audience” means hearing; “Sentience” is sensing or feeling; and “voyance” means vision or seeing.
So Clairaudience is clear hearing, which means you can hear and communicate telepathically with Spirit and souls in Spirit. (Note: With clairaudience the sound or voices you hear are coming from inside you, not externally. If you’re hearing a voice like someone is standing next to you, that is not clairaudience.)
Clairsentience is clear sensing, which means you can sense energies around you, even when nothing is visible (and when it is as well).
Clairvoyance is clear seeing, which means you can see energies either outside of you or in your mind’s eye. (Note that this is different than doing a visualization or guided mediation, where you’re intentionally imagining something in your mind’s eye.)
Or you may have noticed your intuition deepening and becoming more apparent, which often precedes the development of your Clair senses.
9. You feel a connection with Spirit/God/Source/the Universe.
Beyond #6, which is having an unquestioning, deep knowing that there is a Source that created all that is, you also feel a connection with All That Is (i.e. God/Spirit/Source/the Universe).
10. You’ve become interested in Energy Work and healing
You’re finding yourself curious about energy healing and maybe drawn to begin experiencing some modalities like Reiki, EFT, the Akashic Records, etc.
11. You’re starting to see the bigger picture.
You’re starting to become aware that this is all an illusion. It’s all a game. This is our school. It’s a place we come to have a human experience, for our souls to learn, grow and evolve.
The only things that are real are our souls, our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and Spirit/God/Source/the Universe. Everything else is an illusion, a physical manifestation made up of energy from Spirit and our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Sidenote: Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs are real; however, they can be cleared and healed with energy modalities, like clearing your Akashic Records with Spiritual Response Therapy, Reiki Energy Healing, and meridian tapping like EFT and Life Energy Repatterning™. So they’re not necessarily permanent.
What are your next steps?
If you feel like you’re beginning to wake up, kind of like waking from a deep sleep, just know that it’s a process. I’ve been “waking up” for several years. It doesn’t happen overnight; though things on the planet are definitely accelerating.
The best advice I can give you is to really tune into your intuition. Whenever you’re faced with a decision, check in with yourself, with your gut reaction. Over time you’ll learn to hone this ability.
There’s a lot of erroneous information out there on the internet. Your intuition and discernment are your friends.
If the Akashic Records resonate with you at all, I’d encourage you to check out the Ultimate 24-Strand DNA Activation™ & Akashic Records Clearing with Spiritual Response Therapy.
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