So many things have changed in our world over the last 3 years.
I’m sure you’ve sensed it; though you may not really fully realize what it is that you’ve been sensing.
Sure, there is the virus and the quarantine and the masks and the “social distancing” and the shot.
And then came the “reopening” where things were supposed to go back to “normal,” or what some call the “new normal.”
But I’m talking about something else.
This could be affecting you without your knowing about it
This is something deeper and more nefarious.
Something that I have felt increase exponentially over the last year.
Something that I have finally been able to get an awareness of – beyond what I had been feeling.
Something that the world needs to know about regardless of what side of whatever you’re on.
Regardless of how you feel about the virus and masks and the shot.
Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you’re on.
Regardless of your religion.
Regardless of whether you consider yourself “woke” or “awake.”
Regardless of whether you think we’re heading towards a Great Awakening or the Great Reset (or whatever spiritual nomenclature they’re using).
Those who are very sensitive to energies have probably felt it to some degree, like I have. How strongly you’ve felt it really just depends on how sensitive to energy you are.
Regardless of what you’ve felt or how strongly, the fact is that it is still affecting you, whether or not you have any conscious awareness of it.
So first, a little background.
Everything is energy. Everything. Every physical thing. Every living thing. Every thought, feeling and belief. Our entire world consists of energy.
Energy itself is neutral. It’s neither good nor bad. It’s what WE do with it that determines what it becomes.
That being said, there is positive energy and there is negative energy. There are high vibrational thoughts, feelings and beliefs and low vibrational thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
And they self-perpetuate.
So when we’re feeling good, when we’re surrounded by and emanating positive energy, it draws to us more positive energy. (That’s the basis of the Law of Attraction.)
And the converse is also true: When we’re feeling bad, we emanate negative energy and draw to us more negative experiences and emotions.
However, while we DO attract to us experiences and people which are energetically aligned with us; there are also external forces that can affect us.
I’m sure you’ve had times when you’ve felt on top of the world and then ran into someone who was depressed or angry, and their energy brought you down.
Or maybe you’ve even tried to help someone who was unhappy or angry, and instead of your pulling them up to where you were, they brought you down to where they were.
It takes more energy to pull someone up than it does to bring someone down. (I’m not actually sure of why this is, but it is just how the world seems to work.)
Perhaps you’ve even experienced something like this and not known why.
Have you ever felt amazing and then found yourself feeling like crap, and not know why?
I’d be willing to bet it’s because you were affected by someone else’s energy. Maybe someone you didn’t even know. Maybe someone you didn’t even talk to. Maybe just being in a room with someone can affect your energy.
This is what I’ve been experiencing over the last year.
I’ll feel fine, maybe not on top of the world, but not sad or angry either. Just kind of neutral, going to pick up my mail or going to the grocery store or run some errands.
And bam! I can immediately feel the energies on me when I enter the store.
Now, I’ve had this ability since 2006. But I figured out a way of keeping myself clear and protecting myself from these negative energies.
And it’s worked for all these years. Until 2022. Actually, a little bit in 2021, but it really escalated in 2022.
For the last year, I’ve been working on keeping myself clear from these negative energies and figuring out why this had changed so much so quickly.
This is actually one of the reasons why I stopped offering Ultimate 24-Strand DNA Activations & Spiritual Response Therapy Clearing sessions.
I can’t accurately do a clearing for someone unless *both* my energy is clear and their energy is clear. If both of our energies aren’t clear (of negative energies), then the “work” I do is corrupted. And I’ll be very much out of integrity if I continue to work under those conditions.
When I learned Spiritual Response Therapy, I learned about these negative energies and how to clear them both from my energy field and also from the client’s energy field, so I can work with their Akashic Records without any energetic interference.
It was also using SRT that I was able to develop a way of protecting myself from negative energies whenever I was out in public.
And it worked great until 2021-ish.
So what’s going on? Why the sudden onslaught of negative energies that I can’t seem to protect myself from any longer?
And man, they are really hard to get rid of, too. Normally, if I do pick up some negative energies (which can happen from time to time for various reasons), I can clear myself within a couple of minutes.
But this stuff is nasty! It takes a long time to thoroughly remove it from my energy field.
So while I’m still in the process of learning what these negative energies actually are, this is what I know so far:
- These energies have been on the planet since 1999, but in the last few years, new portals have been intentionally created on the planet to bring an influx of these dark energies here.
- These energies are attracted to dark and light equally. So being “high vibe” or “positive” or “spiritual” or “awake” or “woke” or whatever does not make you immune.
(I know some spiritual gurus will sell that as a bill of goods: “If you’re a good person or a ‘lightworker’ or if you’ve done ‘enough’ spiritual work {whatever “enough” is}, then you’ll be protected from negative energies.” Run, don’t walk, if anyone tries to sell you that super manipulative lie. - These energies are extremely nefarious and will affect you, whether or not you can actually feel them on you. (Most people aren’t sensitive to energy so won’t feel them.)
We are quite literally in a battle between light and dark; good and evil; God and the devil. The terminology doesn’t matter. Don’t get stuck on the words. That’s just a trick to keep you stuck where you are.
Now personally, I believe that God will win because nothing is more powerful than God. God/Spirit/Source/the Universe. (Again, don’t let the terminology stop you. I use the words interchangeably.)
How do you stop these negative energies from attaching to your energy field and affecting you?
Here’s the Secret Sauce: (And please share it; don’t keep it a secret.)
Say, “Spirit, please clear and remove all negative energies, blocks and interferences from my entire energy field. Thank you.”
Note: You can address this to Spirit, God, Source, the Universe or Jesus. It’s not about the name you use, it’s about whom you’re intending to address.
That’s it.
Say it often. Say it when you enter a store. Say it while you’re in the store. Say it when you leave the store. Say it when you’re driving home.
It doesn’t need to become a mantra. But just saying it once isn’t going to help because even if Spirit removes whatever is on you at that moment, you’ll continue to pick up negative energies when you’re around other people.
So just get into the habit of saying it at certain times. Like maybe every time you enter and leave a public place. That would work wonders.
You don’t need to say it aloud; you can just think it, so no one needs to know unless you want to share it with them.
Now you should know, it’s not instantaneous. Like I said, these energies are very dark and they don’t want to be found and removed. They want to hide in our energy field and f*ck with us.
But WE can stop them. YOU can stop them. And the more of us who do this, the more power the light will gain and the more power the dark will lose. And I think that’s what we ALL want.
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