“I am doing all the ‘right’ things. I’m doing my affirmations and visualizations and gratitude lists, and nothing is manifesting. The Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for me.” This is something I hear all too often. In fact, I’ve felt it myself. And maybe you’re feeling that way, too.
There are a couple of #truths that can help when you feel this way.
The first truth is that the Law of Attraction exists. Period. Whether or not you believe it, doesn’t matter. It’s not a religion or an opinion. It’s a fact.
We live in a universe that works based on the Law of Attraction. Simply put: We attract to us people, things and experiences that mirror back how we think, feel and believe.
The second truth is that we are always manifesting. Always. Manifestation is just how the Law of Attraction shows up in our lives. The problem is that most people are not manifesting consciously. They are manifesting subconsciously, and are attracting what they don’t want by default.
The Root of the Problem
Our emotions are based on what we are currently experiencing. Maybe you’re in a job you don’t like. Or Maybe you’re not happy in your relationship, or want to be in one and aren’t. Or maybe you’re having financial struggles.
Whatever is going on in our world determines how we feel. So if you dread going to work, those emotions will attract more of the same to you. Or if the thought of your bank balance or your bills makes you feel anxious and nauseous, you will continue to attract financial difficulties. If you’re unhappy in your relationship, or are longing to be in one, you will continue to experience relationship issues.
What’s Really Happening?
Limiting thoughts, feelings or beliefs > Creates unwanted experiences > Perpetuates negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs > Creates even more painful experiences > Even further ingrains negative thoughts, feelings & beliefs > And so the cycle continues
It seems like a vicious cycle, right? I mean, how do you break it?
You’ve probably done some affirmations or visualizations. You’ve been keeping a Gratitude Journal. Maybe you’ve even done some EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
And still the cycle continues.
I get it. It’s painful cycle to be in. But there is a way out…
Affirmations, visualizations, gratitude, EFT are all great tools. And they can help facilitate your conscious manifestation. But they often aren’t enough to break the cycle.
“Why not?” you may be wondering.
There are several reasons. But the main reason is because of your vibrational alignment. You may have been hearing people talking about raising your vibration or being “high vibe.” And maybe you get it and maybe you don’t.
In a nutshell, everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency. Everything is energy. Quantum physics has shown that.
Low vibrations include low-energy, painful, negative emotions and experiences, like grief, worry, anger, fear. If you tune into those emotions, I’m sure you’ll feel how icky they are.
High vibrations include high-energy, empowering, positive emotions and experiences, like joy, love, happiness, excitement. If you tune into those emotions, you can feel how different they are compared with the low-vibe emotions.
Since we attract to us people, things and experiences that are our vibrational match, that are in vibrational alignment with what we are thinking, feeling and believing, we can only attract to us people, things and experiences that match our vibrational frequency.
That sounded a little technical, so let me simplify it. This goes back to what I said earlier: We attract people, things and experiences that reflect how we currently think, feel and believe.
And as I said, we usually feel what we feel based on what we are experiencing, right? Remember how you would dread going to work if you don’t like your job? Get knots in your stomach when you think about money? Are unhappy in your relationship or longing for one?
Those experiences are causing those feelings, which are perpetuating the vicious cycle.
So what’s the key to finally breaking that vicious cycle?
Feel how you want to feel NOW, despite your present circumstances.
That’s it. It’s not complicated, but it’s not always easy, either.
How do you want to feel? What do you want to experience?
That is what affirmations and visualizations and gratitude really do. They aren’t magical or mysterious. They are practical tools we can use to feel the way we want to feel now, despite the circumstances we may be in that we want to change.
But… if you spend say, 30 minutes a day on affirmations, visualizations and gratitude, there are still 23 1/2 hours in the day where you are feeling how you feel in your current situation. Okay, minus sleep, that’s still about 15 to 16 hours a day that you are feeling icky, stressed, anxious, unhappy, worried, sad, etc. about your current situation.
And that’s why your manifestations aren’t happening the way you want. That’s why you are continuing to manifest more of the same life experiences that are perpetuating your pain.
So definitely continue doing affirmations and visualizations and gratitude. In fact, you can get my 50 Inspirational Affirmations for FREE right here!
But also be conscious and intentional as you go through your day. Be conscious and intentional about how you are feeling. Be conscious and intentional about what you are saying. Be conscious and intentional about what you are thinking. Be conscious and intentional about what you are attracting into your life.
I’m confused about “The Law of Attraction not being a religion” in the fact that the Bible is literally “The Law of Attraction.” Everything you’ve stated, Jesus states. So, it’s hard for people without a belief system to utilize said law, if they’re not believers. The universe is energy aka God. Putting a name on principles God laid out and created for the universe to function, doesn’t change the foundation. Just say The Bible is Law or something! Ha!
I do agree with manifestation principles but again, I’ve been doing this since I was a child, because of Christianity. My mother taught me the principles of the Bible and how we attract people, places, things, and ideas. But faith without works is dead, thus belief. No belief, no manifestation.
Beautiful post and beautiful website! Raises my vibration just looking at it!